You can rely on the skilled and knowledgeable professionals at Suck U Sump Service in Edmonton to clean your commercial kitchen’s exhaust system in a manner that is both timely and efficient. Contact us today to schedule a service.
Kitchen Exhaust System Cleaning Services in Edmonton
Does your Edmonton commercial address have a kitchen? From diners to apartment complexes, it is best to call the professionals to make sure that such kitchens are well-ventilated and their exhaust fans are spic and span.
Our trained technicians at Suck U Sump Service offer regular and thorough kitchen exhaust system cleaning services so that your kitchen exhaust is in good working condition at all times. Based on an assessment of your system and a careful strategy related to your kitchen’s needs, we work towards making the ducting, filters, hoods, fans and other parts spotless.
We make our cleaning and sanitizing operations more comprehensive by installing access doors and panels. This process, which involves creating a fine incision in the duct system and securing the panels using reliable sealing technology, helps your exhaust system meet the fire safety codes.
Why Regular Cleaning Is Important
Greasy exhaust systems have many dangers. Firstly, they are a fire hazard. Oily and sticky surfaces also attract insects, rodents, and thus disease. The longer such stains remain, the more difficult it is to get rid of them - they end up lowering the efficiency of the exhaust fan and increasing maintenance costs.
Our work is known for its attention to detail. We are available 24/7. Feel free to contact the Suck U Sump Service team.

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